You already know about payday lenders and how they provide quick and easy cash loans to customers. But along with the good news, there is also a considerable amount of hype surrounding payday lenders. The media is quick to point out that all payday firms are bad and customers eventually find it difficult to pay off their loans. But is this actually correct? No, this is not true. Just like every other business in the world, the payday industry is also filled with fraud artists and fraud companies. However, if you are careful and if you follow our tips given below, you should be able to find several great payday websites to provide you with quick cash loans. 









Licensed to work in the UK -







- Payday loan companies have to be licensed by the financial authorities of your country. For example, in the UK, the Consumer Credit Association investigates and approves licenses for online lending companies. Before you choose an online lender, we recommend you check the home page for the Consumer Credit License number. This will be located at the bottom of the page. Along with the lending license number, the website may also have approval from consumer associations like the BBB or the Better Business Bureau. These tags are the best way to ensure that the site is authentic and reliable. 




Consumer complaints


-- Its not possible for a company to satisfy every customer. As a result, nearly every lender may have consumer complaints about them. However, good companies will take the time to deal with the problem proactively. They will interact with dissatisfied customers and work with them to create an effective solution. We recommend you read all the consumer complaints and reviews about the company but make an informed decision on how you want to proceed. 


Be careful of brokers -- Good payday lending companies will approve or reject your loans in about 24 hours. However, there are companies that appear just like payday loans websites. But these companies are just brokers. That means they will have an online application form that customers will fill in and submit. However, after submission, these forms are forwarded to other sites as applications. The original site gets a percentage of the deal which is legal but it sticks you with a higher interest rate which is not good. We recommend you check this point thoroughly before you take a loan. 


Be wary of websites sending your loan solicitation mails -- Payday companies are very busy. They do not have time to send you solicitation mails. If a company has been mailing you with discounted loan deals, we request you to be cautious. These mails may be from shell companies and they may be phishing mails send to only collect your personal mails. Apart from solicitation mails, we also urge you to be careful while apply to payday loan websites. Some websites appear real but they might be phishing websites set up just to collect banking details and personal information. 


Loan shark websites -- The internet is a free place and there may be unreliable websites. Loan sharks are something you have to watch out for, as these websites will promise you good interest rates but they stick you with a really expensive repayment process. You literally get stuck with a never ending loan. To prevent this, we recommend you only fill in applications at a single payday website to get your loan. 


Now that you know how to avoid shady payday lenders, we suggest you start your payday lending process with us. We are one of the best payday companies in the UK and we have decades of experience in dealing with payday lending. All our customers are return customers and we have been ensuring top quality customer service and lending efficiency to our customers. First time customers are offered short term loans at low interest rates and when you repay the loan, your trust rating increases and you can get a larger amount with your next loan application. If you are looking for a pay day loan, there is no need to go searching as we are authentic, reliable and committed to our customers. We have a 24-hour customer service section that you get in touch with in case of any problems and we will make sure that you have nothing to worry. 


Our advice is simple: do not waste time searching for a pay day lender for your loans when we can offer you everything you want and much more too. All you have to do is fill in the online application form and you are set to go.